Uniform Dress Code

The purpose of a dress code is to set guidelines to ensure a neat and modest appearance that will serve us in representing our Lord, our families, and our school well. When we dress modestly, we encourage each other toward a high standard.

We believe that training in modesty should start when children are young and continue throughout the teen years when issues of sexuality must be discussed and understood from a biblical perspective of purity.

Another purpose for a dress code is the issue of appropriate apparel for an academic environment. We recognize that there is an increased attitude of respect and honor toward the process of learning and being taught when we dress in a more formal way. We show respect when we are neatly, modestly, and professionally dressed.

Teachers and Parents

The guideline for adult dress at ICS is business casual. Adults must dress neatly and modestly to reflect Christian character and professionalism. Jeans are only permitted on dress down days, Comet Spirit Days, E-Zone days, and casual Fridays with an ICS polo shirt or Friday shirt.

For men, this means dress or polo shirts and Docker-style pants or dress slacks.

For women, appropriate wear includes dresses, blouse/skirt combinations, blouse/pants combinations, and suits. Dresses, blouses, and tops can be sleeveless but must be wide enough at the shoulder to cover undergarments.

The following guidelines should be followed any time teachers and parents are on campus, including dropping off and picking up, as well as at any ICS function.

  • Ladies must take special care to avoid low necklines, skinny tank top straps, sheer tops, short skirts, and tight shirts or pants.
  • Hem lines for shorts or skirts must not exceed 3 inches above the knee. Short skirts with leggings underneath are not appropriate. Leggings are only permitted with tops that extend to the mid-thigh.

Tuesday, Thursday Dress Code

We have partnered with French Toast to provide a full line of ICS uniform options. To order and view full product details, please visit our webstore by clicking the link below. Please note that all uniforms must be purchased from French Toast.


  • Bottoms must not be shorter than 3 inches above the knee for both girls and boys.
  • All socks and leggings must be a solid color and do not have to be from French Toast.
  • Boys – Earrings, other piercings, or other excessive jewelry is not allowed.
  • Girls – Piercings, other than earrings, are not allowed.
  • Hats, hoods, sunglasses, and scarves may not be worn inside the building.
  • Shoes must be closed or have a strap at the heel. Shoe soles must not be black, unless they are non-skid or non-marking.
  • Boys – Hair must be clean, presentable, and non-distracting (no mohawks, dreadlocks, buns, or ponytails). Specifically, it must be cut above the eyebrows, and not extend below the ear lobe or below the bottom of the collar. Hair color must be a natural-looking color. With the exception of seniors, no facial hair is permitted.
  • Girls – Hair must be clean, presentable, and non-distracting. It must be kept out of the eyes. Hair color must be a natural-looking color. Feathers and stripes of color are not allowed in the hair.
  • Any body art or tattoos, temporary or permanent, must be covered.
  • These guidelines should be followed any time students are on campus, and students should be dressed modestly and appropriately at any ICS function.

Friday Dress Code

High School

  • Students may wear a class shirt purchased for the current school year and plain, solid blue jeans or denim shorts/skirts without rips or tears.


  • Students are to wear their E-Zone uniform t-shirts and plain, solid blue jeans without rips or tears or French Toast khaki bottoms. Tennis shoes are highly recommended. If other shoes are worn, they must have a strap worn over the back of the foot.

Dress Down Day

Typically, the last Thursday of every month is designated as a dress down day. Please consult the Community Calendar for each month’s dress down day. On these days, students have the option to dress casually, including wearing jeans and t-shirts. Please adhere to the following dress code rules.

  • No offensive material is on any piece of clothing.
  • Girls’ dresses, blouses, and tops can be sleeveless but must have straps that are at least 3 inches wide at the shoulder and cover undergarments.
  • Modest and appropriate is the goal (no see-through material, no midriff or underwear showing).
  • Skirts, skorts and shorts must be no higher than 3 inches above the knee, even if leggings are worn under a skirt.
  • Shoes must be closed or have a strap at the heel.
  • No low necklines or tight-fitting tops or pants are allowed.
  • No sweatpants, pajama pants, cut-offs or frays or jeans with holes are allowed.
  • Hats and sunglasses may not be worn inside the building.

All dress down rules apply to individual picture days, which are usually scheduled on dress down days.

Comet Spirit Day

The goal of Comet Spirit Day is to promote school spirit. Students may wear any ICS t-shirt that has been purchased this year or any previous year. They may also wear any ICS sports jersey. (If the jersey doesn’t have sleeves, a t-shirt needs to be worn underneath.) Students should not wear home-made shirts. High school students may also wear shirts from the High School retreat or their class shirts. Students participating in Spirit Day may wear denim bottoms or sport shorts (within the ICS length requirement). Students not participating in Spirit Day need to wear their ICS uniform shirts and bottoms.