All of our educational choices provide one of the most vital ingredients in a successful learning program: community. Through our regular meetings, parent partnership, and shared values, you will be surrounded by a community of people who are working and praying alongside you to help accomplish your educational goals for your child.
International Community School has national accreditation through Christian Schools International (CSI) and regional accreditation through AdvancED (SACS, CASI) and is a member of the Association of Christian Schools International (ASCI).
ICS Programs
Current International Community School Program Choices
Elementary School
The Academic Program combines a regular schedule of classes taught by professional educators with alternate home education days. With few exceptions, curriculum and lesson plans are set by the classroom teacher, giving you the opportunity to be involved directly in your child’s education without the direct responsibility of planning your curriculum choices and your home education on two alternate days.
4th – 6th Grade, Middle School, and High School
Students in 4th – 6th Grade, Middle School, and High School meet on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays in a university-style program that includes both core academics and electives. ICS High School students also enjoy opportunities for dual enrollment at several local colleges.
While E-Zone is a mandatory day each week for 4th through 8th grades enrolled in our Academic Program, it is an optional day for students in Pre-K through 3rd grade in our Academic. More information about E-Zone may be found on the following page.